I'll never let you go if you promise

not to fade away. never fade away.

This layout features from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. This layout was created in Adobe Photoshop and is coded with div layers. This layout is compatible in Internet Explorer and in Mozilla Firefox. It is also compatible in all resolutions 800x600 and up. For best viewing, 1024x768 is recommended.

In Depth:
Firstly, I have to say I absolutely love the color combinations. The red and purple contrast each other so nicely, and the blue shades add a nice balance. I actually started this layout the a few days ago with such total failure I wanted to "recycle bin" it. I came back to it today and actually got something going. :) I added the dust in order to make a galactic/space feel to go along with the title. Hehe, Harper has me going on with the little layout crops above the side navigation. :D The header itself it sort of monochrome in the sense that it's basically the same 3 colors use over and over again, but I think the style sheet evens it out. I'm very pleased with the result.

Bold/Strong. Underlined/Stressed. Italic/Emphasis. Hypertext Link.


How to download, use and install

1. Download the .zip file type onto your computer.
2. Unzip the file with WinZIP or WinRAR.
3. Upload the images and codes onto your own server.
4. Edit the CSS only where it is indicated.
5. DO NOT remove credits or alter the CSS.

If you have any questions or troubles use the contact page at http://station.chanlu.org/


the people who put this all together

Site and content © Your Name Here.
Layout designed by Justin of Station